FREE TICKETS to Opening Night at Olney Theatre Center.
By Steven Dietz
Directed by Jason Loewith
Join us Saturday, September 28th at 8:00pm as we celebrate the opening of this biting black comedy about what happens when the fictions that hold our lives together are exposed. In Dietz's sharp and surprising sojourn into the 2013 American psyche - where affluence is perhaps our greatest mirage- three couples find themselves at a dinner party where everyone finally decides to tell the truth.
To reserve complimentary tickets to this world premiere, email mdouglas at olneytheatre dot org with your full name and number of tickets requested. Space is limited.
By Steven Dietz
Directed by Jason Loewith
Join us Saturday, September 28th at 8:00pm as we celebrate the opening of this biting black comedy about what happens when the fictions that hold our lives together are exposed. In Dietz's sharp and surprising sojourn into the 2013 American psyche - where affluence is perhaps our greatest mirage- three couples find themselves at a dinner party where everyone finally decides to tell the truth.
To reserve complimentary tickets to this world premiere, email mdouglas at olneytheatre dot org with your full name and number of tickets requested. Space is limited.